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Guaranteed Rent Scheme


With many years of expirence and knowledge of the market always at date, we bring a unique serivce to our rent guaranteed scheme. Having worked with landlords long enough to know what requirements and service they expect, we have put our knowledge into building this scheme which becomes beneficial for both agent and landlord.


Our offer is as followings which we doubt would be available through many of the local agents that you would visit:


- A guarantee on your property for up to ten years maintenance and rent

- Quarterly monthly report inc. pictures of the property and it's state

- Annual rent review, which leads to increase rent (not just a fix guarantee like most agents)

-Inhouse maintenance team (repairs and maintenance would be carried out fast and effiectively)

-Rent would always be paid to the landlord on time regardless if in worse case tenant doesn't pay we will

-Deposit always placed in goverment scheme

-Rent guarantee packages from 3 to 10 years available 


“We here at One Estates work on building a repuatable working relationship which is our main back bone of doing business which has helped us to grow our portfolio. Honesty and integrity is our work ethic"


If you would like more information regarding our scheme please do not hesitate to contact us, we be more than happy to help




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